
The Basics of Poker


Learn the basics of poker with this article. We’ll discuss what makes a high hand, how to deal with tie hands, and the limits of bets. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the other aspects of the game. We’ll also look at the different types of hands, including those that are not considered high hands. After all, poker is not just about winning. Understanding how to deal with poker hands is important for any poker player.

Basic rules of poker

If you’ve never played poker before, you’re probably not sure how to play the game. Poker is a game of chance, where players voluntarily place money into a pot in an attempt to win the hand. While there are many aspects of the game to keep in mind, the fundamentals remain the same. Listed below are some basic rules you should know:

Highest possible hand in poker

When playing poker, the highest possible hand is an ace. An ace beats every other hand in the game except for two pairs, which can be stronger. A pair of aces is also a good hand but is weak compared to a royal flush. A straight flush or royal straight is also a good hand, but neither is better than an ace. So, if you have three of a kind, go for it!

Tie hands in poker

A tie hand occurs when two players have the same five-card combination but the next card is different. A common example of a tie hand is a pair of twos, though other combinations can also occur. During a tie, the player who has the higher pair wins. Certain poker boards can increase the chances of a tie. Regardless of how a tie hand occurs, it is important to recognize its betting implications.

Limits of raises in poker

Poker games vary in their rules concerning limits of raises. In most games, a minimum amount is required to open action. When raising more than the big blind, a player must raise by seven dollars. If the next player raises, he or she can do the same. If he or she is unable to raise, the next player may call the raise. In most games, a minimum raise is the same amount as the last bet.


If you’re in a game where your opponent always has a good hand, you may be tempted to play the gutshot aggressively. While gutshots rarely hit, they can still be very valuable if you can land the nut straight on the river. You can play a weak gutshot by bringing additional cards into the game, such as a backdoor flush draw. But, you should avoid playing the gutshot aggressively if you don’t want to lose your money.